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No-show policy

No-show policy and rain check policy

No-show policy and rain check policy
Category Vivaldi Park CC Sono Felice CC / Del Pino CC / Vivaldi9 GC
Normal cancellation [Weekday/weekend] until 5 pm five days before arrival / until midnight on Internet, mobile, and ARS. [Weekday/weekend] until 5 pm five days before arrival / until midnight on Internet and mobile.
No-show policy Cancellation 4 days before arrival Reservation restricted for next 7 days [200,000-won fee for lifting the restriction]. Member’s penalty points: 2 pts on weekdays and 3 pts on weekend.
If member penalty points run up to 5, reservation restricted for 10 days [100,000-won fee for lifting restriction].
For D-Card members, reservation restricted for 10 days [100,00-won fee for lifting restriction].
For web members, reservation restricted for 30 days [100,00-won fee for lifting restriction].
Cancellation 3 days before arrival Reservation restricted for next 7 days [200,000-won fee for lifting the restriction].
Cancellation 2 days before arrival Reservation restricted for next 30 days [200,000-won fee for lifting the restriction].
Cancellation 1 day before arrival Reservation restricted for next 60 days [300,000-won fee for weekdays and 400,00-won fee for weekend for lifting the restriction]. Reservation and benefits restricted for 15 days [200,00-won fee for lifting restriction].
For D-Card members, reservation and benefits restricted for 30 days [200,00-won fee for lifting restriction].
For web members, reservation and benefits restricted for 60 days [200,00-won fee for lifting restriction].
No-show Reservation restricted for next 90 days [200,000-won fee on weekdays and 400,00-won fee on weekend for lifting the restriction]. Reservation restricted [300,00-won fee on weekdays and 400,000-won fee on weekend for lifting restriction].
Other 1 no-show: reservation restricted for 2 weeks.
2 no-shows: reservation restricted for 4 weeks.
3 no-shows: reservation restricted for 8 weeks.
Illegal use of another person’s name Reservation and visit restricted for 6 months. For members: discount restricted for 3 months; for illegal users: charged normal fee.
Etiquette If a user faces criticism for betting in golf,
if a user intentionally damages green,
and if a member disgraces membership, reservation is restricted for 30 days.
Rain check policy In case the Club decides a rainout A golfer, forced to leave the course when he or she has completed 1 to 9 holes, is charged for 9 holes.
A golfer, forced to leave the course when he or she has completed 10 to 18 holes, is charged for 18 holes.
If a golfer is forced to stop a play The golfer is charged for 18 holes.
  • #135, Bupwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea TEL 82-1644-0063
Family Site